我们提供70美元/周的早期护理(每天8:00).m. - 9:00 a.m.)和85美元/周的后期护理(直到下午5:30.m.; online registration required for both early care and 后care; limited capacity) supervised by full-time Berkeley staff. 请注意:护理结束时间为下午5:30.m. 在下午5点半之后,将自动收取25美元的滞纳金.m. (下午6点以后取车收费50美元.m.). 如果你去托儿所接孩子迟到了, 请拨打我们的善后服务电话813-885-1673分机. 2239.
The switching of weeks and/or programs during camp may only be approved by the 夏天的计划 Director; no refunds or partial refunds will be administered due to a switch and in some cases, 如果新会话的开销大于被替换的会话, 差价将由露营者承担. 所有更改都基于可用性和年龄要求.